What's the name of that Tom Hanks movie? You know, the one where everyone has AIDS?

Labels: CBP, tom hanks movies
Exorcising the Demons of Roberto Alomar and Roger Cedeno Since 2006
Labels: CBP, tom hanks movies
Imagine: you watched the Mets pitch and hit and fight and win yesterday, made plans to meet your buddies at the bar to watch by far the biggest game the Mets will play this season, you wore your lucky hat/jersey/boxers and then watched in disbelief as Tom Glavine delivered the worst game of his Hall of Fame career. Then, after crying in your beer, comiserating with your friends, getting talked off the ledge by your family, you come to accept the fact that this just wasn't the Mets year. You're ready to move on. You come home, have a nice dinner with your wife/husband/girlfriend/boyfriend and then settle down in front of the T.V. And you see this:
Labels: i'm done with baseball
I've been trying to stay positive. Well, maybe not positive, but I've at least been trying to hang on to a shred of irritional optimism over the course of the last two weeks. I've gone from "confident" (up 7 with 17 to play!), to "nervously dismissive" (they've lost a few, but there's no way Phillie can make up that many games!), to "fucking pissed off" (see previous Fire Willie post), to "depressed" and then to where I am now - "acceptance." I have come to accept that the reality of the 2007 New York Mets: They suck.
- Willie in today's New York Times: "If we smell the roses and sip some Champagne, so be it; if not, that's life."
- Paul Lo Duca on WFAN today: "Lo Duca responded with a solid four seconds of silence when asked if he believes his manager, Willie Randolph, should go out and defend his players to the umpire."
- Marty Noble, quoting an anonymous Met in his Mets.com column: "We play at the temperature of the manager. I know Willie cares a lot, but he's not showing it much."
Add to this the fact that he still has trouble pulling off a double switch (did you really need to use all three catchers last night, Willie?), continues to trot Guillermo "The Tall Mel Rojas" Mota out to the mound and lacks even fundamental knowledge of in game strategy, and it is clear to see he needs to go. Willie Randolph's idea of managing a bullpen is a real fucking stroke of genius as well: leave a guy in until he gets bombed, at which point the booing is so loud it's a cue to pull him. Awesome.
Willie Randolph may be a decent guy, but good God is he a shitty manager. And I believe that it all begins with his roots as a Yankee. Joe Torre, for all of his credentials, is a shitty baseball manager. If you put him on the Royals in the late '90s and early '00s, he would be no different than Art Howe. Give him a $200 million payroll and he's gold. I'll admit, Torre is good at what he does - keeping a clubhouse full of enormous egos in check in the pressure cooker of a media market that is New York. Other than that, the guy stinks. He doesn't know how to manage his bullpen, makes odd lineup moves and substitutions, and so on. Willie is the same way. The Mets success over the last three years has not been because of Willie, it has been in spite of him. Give Bobby V the talent we have now, and I guarantee you get the same or better results.
So I say, happy trails to you, Willie Randolph. It's been real. It's been fun. But it hasn't been real fun. Time to turn the page.
And, just in case you no longer want to watch calm, cool and collected Willie answer questions in a pissy manner after the next Mets loss, here is your very own "Build A Postgame Interview" starring Willie Randolph. Just plug in the appropriate opponent and player that cost the Mets the game in question.
Reporter: Willie, are you upset about todays loss?
Willie: Upset? Nah, man, I'm not upset. Sometimes you just gotta tip your hat, you know? And the ______ deserved it today. They played hard.
Reporter: But Willie, this was a pretty big game. Your lead in the East has shrunk to ___ games. Do you feel like your team is pressing at all?
Willie: Do I feel like we're pressing? Nah, man, you know, we just have to go out there tomorrow and win one. This game isn't any more important than the next, you know? We're not pressing, we just gotta turn the page, go out there, and get 'em tomorrow.
Reporter: Willie why did you put in _______ in the 6th inning when he has pitched four days in a row and has a history of sucking against this team, and lefties?
Willie: Well, you know, ______ is my guy. He's been my guy all year. He's probably got some of the best stuff in our bullpen, he just needs to show it. I had a gut feeling and it didn't work out, you know? No big deal.
Reporter: Willie, do you think you need to address the team to snap them out of this skid? I mean, you've lost ___ in a row.
Willie: Address the team? No, no, I'm not going to address the team. I mean, these are my guys. Just gotta stay positive, stay strong, go back out there and play our hardest. They're trying, you know? That's all I can ask, man.
Reporter: But Willie, your team has made ___ errors in the last __ games. Your bullpen has blown the lead ___ games in a row. Are they really trying that hard?
Willie: This interview is over.
Jerry Manuel doesn't even want to talk to Willie.
Labels: fire willie, i'm on suicide watch
One time during a boring intro history class in college, Professor Reyes passed me a notebook he had been scribbling poems in. No, Professor Reyes isn't gay (in all likelihood) - they were just dumb haikus making fun of our friends. One in particular struck me....I believe it went something along the lines of:
Labels: haiku
I can't remember the last time I really cared about the All Star game. High school, maybe? Middle school, before my summers were filled with illegally purchased coconut rum and mid-afternoon masturbation? I certainly haven't cared since college, and I really could give a shit about tonight's game...that's why I figured now would be as good a time as any to check back in with the ol' blog.
Labels: john maine, voter fraud
Guh. I wanted this to be a happy post. A post about how the Mets are turning the corner after their blowout win against Minnesota last night. But no. Looks like it's more "one step forward and two steps back." Well, not exactly, I guess that won't be true
Labels: latinos