Mets Haiku Bukakke Party
One time during a boring intro history class in college, Professor Reyes passed me a notebook he had been scribbling poems in. No, Professor Reyes isn't gay (in all likelihood) - they were just dumb haikus making fun of our friends. One in particular struck me....I believe it went something along the lines of:
Slipping in his puke
Fingering an ugly girl
'Tis the life of Dan*
I don't know why I was thinking about this at work the other day, but I nearly laughed out loud at my desk, just like in college. So I figured I would address the current state of the Mets in haiku form. It's a way to be feel clever while actually being really fucking lazy.
Shawn Green
Oh, Flaco - what's wrong?
Is it your gangly body?
Are steroids kosher?
John Maine
John Maine
Cy Young candidate
You are my man crush, young John
You are my man crush, young John
I would have your kids

Where did Moises go?
Is he still a New York Met?
Is he still a New York Met?
Stop peeing on hands
Carlos Delgado
Why can't you hit, 'Los?
We don't pay you to suck balls
Two forty - not good
Mike Pelfrey
What happened to you?
You were going to be big
Now, Anthony Young
Ruben Gotay
My friend, you got fucked
Castillo can't hit like you
Castillo can't hit like you
Willie likes old folks
Guillermo Mota
You injected drugs
Now you stink like Shea toilet
Get back on the juice**

Wanted to play more
You were the human ground out
You were the human ground out
Good riddance, Old Fuck
That's really all I have in me right now - have to get back to Glavine going for 300. More Japanese goodness to follow later.
*This name has not been changed. Dan really did do these things.
**Live Update: Mota (with help from Feliciano) just blew Glavine's 300th. I sincerely hope this was the last we will see of Steroid in a Mets uniform.
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