2007 Shea Promotions: They're Craaaap-tacular!
We've written about shitty promotions at Shea in the past, however at the April 21st game against the Braves, the Mets truly outdid themselves. Normally I would not feel compelled to do a post aimed at one specific promotion, but last Saturday's give away was such a fucking abomination, I feel that it is warranted.
Behold, the most embarrassing promotional give away I can recall in my 19 years of attending Mets games:

I don't know how, but I've actually made this monstrosity look good in this photo. I can only attribute this to the fact that I am an artistic genius - the Diane Arbus of stadium promotional items. But with a schlong.
This luggage tag was sponsored by Luggage Express. They are a "universal express company." What is a universal express company? Fuck if I know. But they were able to front the money to sponsor this giveaway. Well kind of - they were only given to the first 25,000 sad bastards lucky fans.
I'm pretty sure that when the Mets front office actually saw these luggage tags, they reacted like Herb Powell when Homer's car was unveiled to the media. There was no mention of Luggage Express during the game, nor were there any signs, Diamond Vision announcements, etc. promoting the company or this shitty item. In fact, a pocket schedule I obtained on Wednesday acknowledges that there was a promotion that Saturday, but it does not tell you what the give away was, as it does for every other promotion. The Mets website still mentions the luggage tag, but I have a feeling the team is trying to wash its hands of this thing ASAP.
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