"And We Say.....Shoot Me In The Balls!"

Wanting to outdo themselves after the Baha Men recorded the smash hit of the 2000 World Series run, "Who Let The Mets Out," Z100 has recently released the new Mets anthem by Lucas Prata. Yes, Lucas Prata. The fat gavone you see on the left of this post. As you can tell from the scantily clad guidettes and shots of Lucas wearing a sleeveless t-shirt while sporting a fauxhawk, he knows how to fucking party. As I am writing this at 9:41 p.m., Luc P. is currently on myspace. How do I know this? Because the spinning Batman logo on his page tells me so!
Apparently the Mets were not embarassed enough by the "Our Team, Our Time" debacle, which I believe was a collabo between Carlton Banks and Jay Horowitz, to squash this song. Do the Mets really want to attract more people from Long Island to their games?
I need to go to the gym now and work on my delts so that I do not injure myself while fist pumping at the next Mets home game. Oh, and if you find yourself in the mecca that is Farmingdale, New York on October 8th, make sure you stop by ICE for teen night and you can catch Lucas rocking out. Hard.
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